Monday 12 November 2012

Mobbing ?!

Hey People of the internet!

Today I want to talk about something very serious, unfortunately I have to see people and friends beeing bullied ALOT lately!
I was bullied too, so I know how that feels when you have to go through a hard time like this! This were the point where I thought I should blog about it. I know I don't have many readers yet but I hope who, ever is reading this right now, it'll help you.

Let's start..
To all the Bullies outthere.. Do you feel cool when you push other people down? Do you fell powerful because you can play with other feelings? Do you think people look up to you because of what you do? If you think so.. your completely wrong!It doesn't make you a good person, I bet deep inside of you, you just feel insecure and that's why YOU push other, innocent people down because YOU are scared of getting hurt. Am I right?

I have
only one concern to you:

Think before you act, your words can hurt and these people can get depressed or even kill theirselfs. Do you want to be the reason for someone's depression or someone's
This may sound hard but it's only the truth.

So now to all the bully victims..
There is one important thing I want to tell all of you: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Ask for help, your teacher, your family.. I've been in this situation too and I was so scared to tell someone but I did and they helped me to get of it and I finally could start to live a normal and happy life.

It's important to tell someone, most of the time you can't get out of it without any help.. I know it's hard to stay strong and try not to care about what people say. You start to ask yourself: What did I do? Why do they hate me? What have I done? But don't give up there is always hope and happiness!
Here is my advice for you:
1. Be around the people you like
2. Tell yourself everyday your are good
3. Ask for help!!!
4. Try to ignore them as best as you can
5. Hold on to the future 'cause that's one thing they can't take away from you
6. Talk about your feelings.

I don't know if this helped you, I just can hope it helps. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Believe me better times will come and there is always someone who loves you!