A little bit about me, huh?
If you ask me who you are? I would probably answer "I don't know, just me?"

I think, this would give you a clue who I am..

I love those rainy days where you can cuddle up in your bed with a good book and a hot cocoa and the World seems to be perfect for a while. I am the Girl who sits in the bus with headphones listening to a Tyler Ward song and think about nearly everything.I'm the one who's always there for her friends, listen to their problems and do everything to find a way out of it. I always take care about the people I love but sometimes I'm just silly, doing pillow Fights and laugh so hard that I cry. I'm a girl who loves to wear Blazers everday.. :D
I've always wanted to be one of those people who didn't really care that much about what people thought about them but I don't think I am. I'm the Girl who always stayed kind!

1 comment:

  1. "I love those rainy days where you can cuddle up in your bed with a good book and a hot cocoa and the World seems to be perfect for a while." I'm exactly like you. I love rain, it's calming me. I never complained about it. It's fresh and calming, and relaxing. + a book = perfect day. :)
